Fiche cheval super highway

R2C4 du

plathandicap 4481sha tin (hong kong)1200M136527shing mun river channel handicap - section 214 partantsdépart à 09:30
113super bonusH43p0p0p4p0patzeni a./101:09
21awesome treasureH71p2p2p2p4pyeung m.l./1cte tete
310silver destinyH40p5p8p4p6pchung y.l./12 l
48jolly companionH50p7p0p7p9pleung k.c./1encolure
52champion methodH47p5p8p3p0pchau c.l./1cte tete
65grand novaH40pbowman h./11 l
77super highwayH60p3p2p9p8pteetan k./11/2 l
86sunday's serenadeH49phamelin a./1tete
94camp fireH40phewitson l./1nez
1011mister foxH50p8p0p0p0pferraris l./1encolure
1112smart leaderH106p7p1p3p5pde melo k./1tete
129verbierH40p0p8pbadel a./1encolure
1314urban triumphH53p1p0p6p0pchadwick m./1encolure
143romantic novelistH49p0p9p0p0pthompson b./11 l 3/4

R2C7 du

plathandicap 7082sha tin (hong kong)1200M136527the hong kong lions cup (handicap) - section 112 partantsdépart à 07:35
16lo pan spiritH4Inéditbentley h.38/101:09
29awesome treasureH72p2p4p(23)8pyeung m.l.12/1encolure
33super highwayH62p9p8p(23)0pchung y.l.10/13 l
412new powerH44p3p5p4p9pteetan k.7.15/1tete
57lucky touchH43ppurton z.1.9/11 l
61super legendsH40p3p(23)2p6pwong e.c.w.8.35/1encolure
711super gloryH49p6patzeni a.20/1encolure
810super charizzardH48p6pavdulla b.20/11/2 l
92golden riseH58p3p5p1p3pbadel a.13/13/4 l
104circuit tenH57p(23)0p0p7ppoon m.f.86/1encolure
115deep pursuitH50p0pho c.y.99/11/2 l
128mr energiaH4Inéditbowman h.36/11 l 1/4

R2C8 du

plathandicap 16437sha tin (hong kong)1200M217527lung hang handicap14 partantsdépart à 08:40
12lucky encounterH41p5p1p1p2pteetan k.2.15/101:08
21beauty crescentH38p3p0p7pbowman h.15/13/4 l
314greenwichH45p2p1p4pbadel a.8.35/1encolure
48good buddyH69p7p3p8p3pferraris l.14/1tete
510california vanesH55p6p1p3p0py. l. chung11/1encolure
69cotton fingersH52pchadwick m.7.7/11 l 1/4
712victory scholarsH68p5p7p2p4pchan k.h.29/11/2 l
84sinbaH56p0p0p5p0pavdulla b.56/11 l
911foolish heartH4Inéditleung k.c.30/11/2 l
103run run coolH60p8p6p3p2pbentley h.103/11 l
117super highwayH53p0p2p1p1pho c.y.15/1encolure
1213amazing duckH4Inédityeung m.l.21/11 l 1/2
135seizing the momentH79p7p0p9p1pcurrie l.50/11 l
146ace oneH67p2p2p7p7phewitson l.23/112 l

R2C3 du

plathandicap 22143sha tin (hong kong)1200M130788shui chuen o handicap - sec 112 partantsdépart à 09:00
111commanding missileH60p6p2p4p0pchau c.l./101:09
21super highwayH51p1p4p5p0pchadwick m./1encolure
39king of the courtH60p1p6p9phewitson l./1cte tete
46go heroH4Inéditteetan k./11/2 l
57ho ho starH46phamelin a./11/2 l
68go go goH40p0p0pferraris l./13/4 l
73lucky funH79p0p0p8p0pleung k.c./11/2 l
810noble oneH50p0p7p0p4pho c.y./13/4 l
92pins princeH65p0p(22)0p8pbadel a./11 l 3/4
105lucky bannerH48p8p1p7p9pavdulla b./1cte tete
114sunlight powerH44p3ppurton z./11 l 1/2
1212oriental spiritH54p7p0p0p0ppoon m.f./111 l

R2C6 du

plathandicap 24245sha tin (hong kong)1200M130788dandelion handicap - sec 214 partantsdépart à 07:35
111super highwayH54p5p0p6p4pchadwick m./101:11
21baby crystalH51p2p(22)9p2ppurton z./11 l
33horsesain boltH75p7p3p9pleung k.c./13/4 l
45watch buddyH42p8pbadel a./11 l 1/4
512smart leaderH90p5p4p3p5pferraris l./1tete
64lean heroM45p(22)1p9p5pteetan k./1encolure
710multidarlingH42p6p8p5pbowman h./1cte tete
89sweet briarH54phewitson l./11 l
92island goldenH40p0p8p(22)0pde sousa s./1encolure
106courier magicH4Inéditcurrie l./1encolure
1114fighting starH66p3p0p5p2phamelin a./12 l 1/2
128regency happy starH4Inéditpoon m.f./11 l 3/4
1313plentifulH49p0p8p6pbentley h./11 l 1/2
147red leaderH4Inéditavdulla b./17 l

R2C5 du

plathandicap 28941sha tin (hong kong)1200M130788the yan oi tong cup (handicap) - sec 214 partantsdépart à 07:05
14happy fat catH57p1p(22)0p2pchung y.l./101:09
23galvanicH47pbadel a./1tete
37timestormM56p5p(22)8p4pbowman h./11 l 1/4
48smart leaderH93p5p(22)5p6ppurton z./1cte tete
514happy foreverH50p(22)0p0p0ppoon m.f./1encolure
69super highwayH54p(22)1p5p4pteetan k./1tete
72fun togetherH51p(22)8pchau c.l./11 l 3/4
811telecom missileH78p(22)1p3p0pbentley h./11/2 l
96royal agilityH8(22)0p0p0p0phewitson l./11 l 3/4
1013master of luckH55p(22)4p7p9pde sousa s./11 l 1/4
1110speedy fortuneH48p(22)0p8p7pcurrie l./1encolure
1212universal crownH70p2p(22)0p0pyeung m.l./1encolure
135tier goodyM4Inéditborges v./11 l
141chilli babaH41pho c.y./11/2 l

R2C8 du

plathandicap 31873sha tin (hong kong)1400M136314mody handicap14 partantsdépart à 08:35
12maradoH61p3p5p0p3ppurton z./101:21
27young victoryH61p9p3p5p5pchung y.l./1encolure
31good newsH58p2p8p8p4pbowman h./11 l 1/4
413casa legendH42p4p4p7p6pho c.y./11/2 l
511super highwayH44p4p8p6p4pchadwick m./1cte tete
68noble steedH91p5p7p4p3phewitson l./11 l 1/2
74blissful starH54p2p3p5p2pde sousa s./1encolure
83nunchuksH81p(21)9p4p5pchan k.h./12 l 1/2
95win winH78p0p2p9pchau c.l./1cte tete
1012vukanH68p9p0p4p1pwong c./11/2 l
1114ho ho juniorH40p0p0p7p0pmo h.t./12 l
1210star of yuen longH70p0p9p0p0pyeung m.l./13 l
136beau gosseH34pferraris l./11 l 1/4
149golden fairyH40p0p0pcurrie l./11 l 1/2

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